Today is Day 3 of the 5th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge. Today's topic is: Open Topic! Wohoo.
I'm kinda glad it's an open topic today. I'm having issues with focusing today and feeling motivated to do anything. I think it's because at this exact time last year we were going through some really scary things with my youngest (then 18 months old). This whole week I keep thinking something is going to happen and put us in that position all over again. It's like my body remembers what happened last year and is trying to get me to slow down for the upcoming life storm. And I'm a about 24 weeks pregnant so I'm already a crazy mixed bag of emotions. blah. I've had to force myself to do anything today but I've managed to somehow get things done anyway.
Anyway, enough of my stuff. On to diapers!!! I'm not really sure what I'm going to write about. Maybe what doing this is like when I'm in my 2nd trimester vs. when I'm not pregnant? I've never been pregnant when doing the challenge so this is a new experience for me. My body is always so exhausted and I just don't have the stamina and endurance I do when I'm not pregnant. Add on the two kids now ages 5 and 2 and I'm really wiped out. lol So what do you do when it's like this?
1. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to get it done. I don't mean over extend your limits or anything. Just that it's really hard to have motivation to hand wash diapers and go hang them on the line when all you want to do is nap or sit and relax starring off into space. You just got to get up and do it! Sometimes that means setting the timer and committing a certain amount of time to whatever. I've done this enough to know that for me it can take less than an hour to wash and hang the diapers if I actually do it and just get it done. If I go really slow or take a lot of breaks it takes a bit longer. Today was a break taking day. lol Not huge long breaks or anything but I still managed to do it in about an hour. Yay!
2. Enlist Helpers!!!
This will save you energy and arm tiredness (I can't think of anything else to call it.) This trick won't last long usually, but long enough for a small break. The newness and funness of washing diapers is short lived for them. I can still get my youngest to help me a bit but the oldest is over it. haha
3. Pad fold. Pad fold. Pad fold. I'm too lazy to try and do anything fancier than that. I don't have anything to fasten the diaper together anyway so it doesn't even matter. You can fold them long before you need them and then when the time comes for a change, just plop it in the cover and bam your done! Wooo!
4. Wash every day. I know it seems like a lot of washing, but it's the perfect size load for the washer bucket and keeps you from having to play catch up. It also minimizes the overall amount of time that you have to be washing. I'll talk more about wash routine later this week.
I don't really have any fancy tips or tricks. Night time if you don't use inserts then just use 3 flats pad folded together. Works like a charm.
I'm not sure what else to write. My brain has left the building. I'm not sure it will ever return. The week is going well so far. It's not different at all from my normal routine really since I use flats almost full time anyway. The only difference is washing and not using prefolds or the occasional AIO, which is fine with me. Flats wash and dry so much easier than any other diaper out there. They really are amazing beauties and I love them. Some day I'll get into the fancy folds and such. Probably when this baby gets here and will be too small for my normal pad fold. They'll be glorious for holding in those messy newborn poos.
Anyway, that's all for now. Sorry today is so boring.
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