The topic of Day 4 is: Traveling With Flats!
So how do I usually travel with them? Easy Peasy that's how!
I just stuff everything I need into the diaper bag and I'm good to go!
Normally when I'm out running errands I pack for the whole day. We live out a ways from town so when we go to town, we GO to town. It's a whole day gone or most of the day gone. I usually pack 4-6 flats (or more) depending on what we're doing and how long we'll be gone. I pack 3-4 covers (or more). I usually never use that much, but it's much better to over prepared than it is to be lacking diapers, am I right?! I also usually bring 8-10 wipes or more.
So what do I carry these lovelies in when they are wet or soiled? I use wetbags! Usually about a medium size one That will fit about a days worth of diapers in it if I need it too. I haven't always had a wetbag. I used to just use a grocery bag or you could use a big ziplock bag. I only ever used a grocery bag usually though. Now I have two wetbags, one I bought and one I won in a raffle thing. They don't need to be a fancy brand or anything. like that. I also have a wipes pouch wetbag. I use it to carry wipes I've gotten wet before we go out since there aren't always sinks or water available when changing diapers in public.
Here's a demo of what I do with the wipes. Usually I keep them stored folded into quarters and then I just get them wet and scrunch them into balls and stuff them in the wipes pouch wet bag. If you don't have a wipes pouch just use a ziplock bag or something like that. I only really have one because my friend got me one when my second was born.
I do this fold because it's super fast and easy and I can do it before we even go anywhere. That way I don't have to try and deal with getting a "fancy" fold onto a squirmy baby in the middle of running errands. I just plop it in the cover and I'm good to go.
At home when I deal with poopy diapers I immediately spray/rinse them off and put them in my pail. When I'm out and about sometimes I can rinse them out and sometimes I can't. If I can, I always try and do it. It's much easier to get poo off right away than it is after it's been sitting in the diaper for a long time. It's also less stinky (not that there is a lot of smell, if any, at all when you put it in the wetbag.) If I can't wash it out right then I wrap it up tight in the cover, similar to how you wrap a poopy disposable diaper up, and stick it in the wetbag. This is when it's nice to have more than one wetbag or grocery bag, because then you can have one for your poopies and one for your wets. That way if anything happens and the diaper gets all jumbled around it doesn't get poo on the other diapers creating more work for you later.
That's about it I think. It's really pretty simple. Having a flat that has a more absorbent fabric or knit can be helpful. I like using my bamboo flats the most if I'm going out with flats. Check their diaper often. Be sure and change them before you leave the house and then after you take them out of the carseat. It really depends on how often and how much your kid normally pees. It's really not anymore work to use flats than it is to use an AIO or pocket in my opinion. Of course I use flats and prefolds full time anyway, so maybe I'm biased. ;-)
Anyway, that's all for today. I don't think I left anything out. How do you travel with flats?
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