Monday, May 11, 2015

2015 Flats and Handwashing Challenge: Why am I doing this?

So I'm participating in this:

 You can find the sign-up and rules from Dirty Diaper Laundry (the creators of the wonderful challenge) here.

This is my third year doing this. This year I decided to do the blog prompts. I'm not sure why. Maybe in case there's someone out there who comes across this and it happens to help them. Anyway, I'll be blogging about my experience each day from a set of prompts to help us along. So, here we go!

Day 1 (May 11)- Why I’m Taking the Flats and Handwashing Challenge?

I'm talking the Flats and Handwashing Challenge because I want to raise awareness for people who can't afford diapers for their children. I want people to know there are other options out there besides expensive disposables. There are people who have to choose food or diapers for their kids and of course they choose food, who wouldn't? In some cases disposables get reused or they only use 1 to 2 diapers for the entire day because that's all they can afford to do. It doesn't have to be that way. There are alternatives that are very affordable. Among which are Flats.

Flats can be made out of anything. They are a single layer of flat fabric, hence the name flats. Usually they're made from natural fibers like cotton, bamboo, or hemp. They can be made from t-shirts, towels, receiving blankets, fabric you have, flour sack towels (FST), or can be bought pre-made from a store that sells cloth diapers. The awesome thing about flats is that they can absorb a lot, fit any baby, are extremely durable, wash very easily, dry super fast and are very very inexpensive. This makes them ideal for people who can't afford diapers (or anyone interested in diapers really) or people who don't have a washer and dryer of their own. Flats are probably my favorite diaper option to be honest. The simplicity of them makes them perfect for me. I had never used flats before I took the challenge 2 years ago in 2013 (I can't believe it's already been that long!) but I have been hooked ever since.

The first time I did the challenge I used flats made from old t-shirts I had cut up and FST that I bought from Target that were about $1 a piece. I already had covers since I already did cloth diapers.

My first Flats and Handwashing Challenge in 2013. I used cut up t-shirts and FST.

My first Flats and Handwashing Challenge in 2013. I used cut up t-shirts and FST.

The second year I participated was last year in 2014. I was unable to complete it unfortunately because on the second day my son ended up in the hospital having to have surgery and then in the PICU for a couple days, all because he choked on and aspirated a tiny piece of carrot. So last year was a bust.

I have however done flats and handwashing on other occasions besides the challenge. Going camping for example.

Here I am washing diapers while camping. Using my camp-style washer bucket.

I'm doing this because I'm obsessed with cloth diapers. I think they are wonderful and that everyone should use them. Obviously I know that isn't going to happen unless they suddenly stop making disposables. I just want people to know there is a more affordable option. Not only that but it's doable as well! It's easy to work in washing them into my schedule, even if I was more pressed for time. I also think it's fun and reminds me that I have options if I should ever need them. This actually helped me in real life when our washer was broken and we weren't able to get another one for a few weeks and couldn't go to a laundromat. I already knew how to hand wash diapers, so it was very easy for me to use what I had learned while doing that in order to wash our clothes quickly and efficiently. I'm not gonna lie. Doing this can seem a bit tedious at times, especially if I just don't want to do anything that day. But it is certainly doable and can be worked into my daily routine without interrupting it.

I know I had more to add and to make this less jumbled, but my pregnant brain has gotten the better of me so that's all for now I suppose. I'll see you tomorrow. Happy Flats Challenge!

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